A few years ago, I found myself entrenched in an unexpected battle. The stage was set with an overt act of injustice; manipulation was rife, and I was the chosen target. However, I was resilient, immune to such ploys, and instinctively stood alongside the victim. With limited resources at my disposal, I braced myself and issued a solemn warning to the perpetrator – the universe has a way of restoring balance, and if he believed himself to be invincible, he should be ready to face the wrath of Allah, who can always summon a stronger force to humble him.
Desperation marked my words, an urgent need to close this chapter and move on. But, much to my surprise, my warning was misconstrued as a declaration of war. An all-out assault was launched, aimed at dismantling my character at every level. Amidst the chaos, I stood in silent observation, powerless, yet vigilant.
A few days into this turmoil, I was granted a potent tool, a weapon to battle with. It was as if destiny had chosen me to lead this combat, to be the one to bring the oppressor down. Then, like a miracle, allies began to converge from all corners, following my lead in this war against oppression. I was new to this, my skills untested, but the situation demanded action, and I rose to the challenge, learning as I ventured further into the chaos.
This was not a journey devoid of hardships. I endured blows that would have flattened others, yet I stood firm, revealing an inner strength I was unaware of. I fought, survived, and not only did I endure, but I also inflicted significant damage on my enemy. This battle taught me the true extent of my resilience, how far I can stretch when pushed to my limits. It was a revelation, an awakening – a testament to my endurance amidst the harshest trials.
Allies, Betrayal, and Strength
As the battle raged on, it wasn’t just about gaining allies. I was also tested by loss, and betrayal was a recurrent theme. People I had considered friends revealed colors unbeknownst to me. Some fell prey to the manipulations, while others chose paths that were contrary to my expectations. Their actions were stark reminders that friendships can sometimes prove ephemeral in the face of adversity.
Numerous times, I was urged to abandon the fight, to retreat. Simultaneously, my adversary continued his relentless onslaught, pushing me towards oblivion. In this storm, those friends gradually shifted their allegiances, siding with the very enemy that sought my downfall. Yet, I knew, a retreat wouldn’t restore balance, and I also realized a harsh truth – people often side with the perceived stronger force, rather than what is right.
The Quran, in Surat Al-Hujurat, verse 9, imparts a profound lesson: “And if two factions among the believers should fight, then make settlement between the two. But if one of them oppresses the other, then fight against the one that oppresses until it returns to the ordinance of Allah.”
This sacred command, “fight against the one that oppresses,” may seem simple, yet it demands immense courage. Siding with the oppressor, where there are no immediate consequences, and perhaps even benefits, is often the easier path. Speaking the truth against such tyranny is the real test of character, a test many fail to endure. If it were easy, everyone would rise to the occasion.
Our Ummah, weakened over time, is susceptible to manipulation, often failing to recognize the truth. And even when truth stares them in the face, many find it hard to voice it. Worse still, some deliberately choose to side with the oppressor, blatantly disregarding the clear commandments of the Quran. This struggle is not just mine; it is a reflection of the trials that our community must overcome.
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